Focus Group for Musicians


New member
Hi everyone! I'm a pianist and founder of ArtSee, an initiative that helps underprivileged kids through free arts education.

Me and my team are doing some research on the music gig scene in Singapore, and we'd like to put together a small focus group for musicians who have interesting insights on what it's like to hustle in the music scene. We want to know what you think about the challenges local musicians face, as well as how we can create more opportunities for music talents like yourself.

If you're a musician (whether you're a teacher, performer, or just starting out - all are welcome!) and if you're interested in joining our focus group, do drop me a message. FYI: for the sake of efficiency, we'll be limiting the number of participants to 10 per group. Hope to hear from you soon!

PS: It'll be a fun way to get to know other musicians as well. :)