Floyd rose stringing in reverse?


New member

my friends shown me his ibanez which he told me it's was string in reverse?

kinda of cool initally , but think abt it, the nut at the end of a new string is to trap your guitar.

isnt it kind of dangerous with this set up, will the string break and spring out in the middle of playing?

worse of it, what if it hits the eyes?
what you think?
nah, its not unsafe, for a regular floyd rose you have to cut off the ball end of the strings to load it into the bridge (only some ibby trems allow you to load the balls in as well). i think your friend strung it the other way round so he could still keep the balls of his string, hahaha. esp for rock, always good to have balls ya.
its actually the same, its not unsafe becose the tuning locks are there, string breaks would be the same as string breaks of the normal stringing method.

sorry ah, cant find a good way to phrase my sentence heehee
its actually the same, its not unsafe becose the tuning locks are there, string breaks would be the same as string breaks of the normal stringing method.

sorry ah, cant find a good way to phrase my sentence heehee

It's fine, you got the message across which is the purpose of language-communication. For those who do not understand what LadyInTears said, he means due the the locking nuts of the floyd rose unit, when a string break occurs, it should not be different from when a string break happens on a fixed bridge guitar.

Well, I think you misunderstood the question, but I think bedokkids does not understand the concept of a floyd rose, a floyd rose guitar cannot be strung with the nut into the bridge, except on some special ibanez trem units. You have to cut off the plain part of the wound strings before inserting them into your trem unit, after which you would lock the string in place with a string lock block on the floyd rose trem.

This should kinda show you why floyd users string their floyd units the other way around.

thanks for the explanation,

next, he's need to adjust the string height indivudually,
which one should he meddle?
beside the pivot screw?

thanks to all
for a floyd u cant really adjust the individual string heights, just the 2 trem posts. but ive heard that certain guitar companies put metal shims underneath the saddles to give it enough height to match the radius of the board.
i thought double locking guitars are supposed to put non-ball or cut away ball end to lock at the bridge?

yeah it's cool. saw a friend with it and beez stringed my guitar that way. from ur explaination, i imagine it would be ball end at the headstock with the balls still there. am i right?

man, alot of balls in my post.
There's no need to cut off the ball-end on strings to fit it onto a floyd rose system. Just string it up with the ball end at the tuners and trim the length to fit nicely into the floyd. Very simple "innovation" that many never notice.
Done that & after i feel of a string change, i put my old strings to a friends crappy guitar (he has no time to buy replacement strings) & saves him of buying one too.