Floyd Rose + Amp Prob


New member
Posting in the same thread to save bandwidth (and effort) lol.

Floyd Prob:
I'm not sure if many have encountered this before, but the floyd bends forward every time I do a string bend, and de-tunes the other strings slightly. It's annoying to have to keep using my hand to stop it. It's a 7 year old OFR btw.

Amp Prob:
My Carvin Nomad 1x12 50 watt. Every time I play a chord, or 2 notes, (eg. with a 1 octave difference) the amp plays the 2 notes individually, like one after the other repeatedly, though rather quickly shifting between the notes. The shifting gets faster and faster until finally, they merge into feedback. This happens on the clean channel as well. It is definitely an amp problem, I have tried 3 guitars on it already.

and on a side note I also got a prob with the VS 1spot. The thing makes a loud humming sound with pedals. Haven't tried with battery, though with teh guitar vol on 0, the artec chorus and crunchbox (with gain at 3 o' clock) make a loud hissing and humming noise through the amp.

Thanks for the help!
it's not just the OFR, any bridge system with whammy capacity would manifest this detuning effect. a proper string stretching would do wonders + maintain your bridge system so that it returns to its exact position, in most cases, the rear springs are culprit- replace them. 8-)