floating trem help! accidentally loosened saddle nut


New member
I was playing my cousin's guitar and i was trying to figure out how to get rid of a buzzing noise around the saddle on the low E string.

so i took out his allen wrench and tried to tighten the saddle nut.

this is my first time using a floating trem so this is in hindsight an obviously very bad idea.

I loosened it instead of tightening it by accident, causing the thing to slack and move towards the neck, and the entire guitar to go out of tune.

i loosened the nut further and moved the saddle back to it's original place(sort of) tightened it back, then retuned the guitar, but is that a proper solution? will the intonation of the strings be affected? will i have to get the guitar sent for setup?

i don't own a floyd rose or anything myself so i have no idea. It's an Edge ZR trem on an Ibanez btw.

all help appreciated!
might be, get hold of a tuner and tune that string. ok once its in tune, fret at the 12th fret. if intonation is spot on it should be in tune as well. if sharp move saddle away from neck, if flat move saddle towards neck. kinda tedious cos u gotta unwind and then wind again but thats a floyd for you. pm me if u have any issues.
after like 30 minutes of tuning and messing around with saddle distance I managed to get it in tune both open and at the 12th fret, done just as my chromatic tuner ran out of battery. thanks alot!

unrelated question but the pitch is quite a bit sharper at the 24th fret. is this normal?
Like it's in tune at the 12th fret, but at the 24th fret the pitch is higher than it should be. is this normal?

I just realised my own guitar's intonation is off. Now it'll keep on bugging me when i play heh.
The ZR trem has an intonation tool you can use. Just unscrew it from the trem and screw it into the back. Makes things really easy.

Rich at IbanezRules recommends intonating to the 24th, instead of the 12th. For intonation at 12th, you need a very accurate tuner, cos the a relatively large adjustment of the saddle will still result in a normal tuner indicating it's in tune. Intonating to the 24th, the adjustments are more responsive.

See here : http://www.ibanezrules.com/tech/setup/intonation.htm

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