first guitar tabs, now this.

w t f? evn game designers set cheat codes themselves. cheating, or "coding out", is a tradition for evn game producers. before releasing a game, every developer checks tht the game is equipped with certain unlockable, or code-enabled features. hahah..itz a law in the gaming industry. no cheats, no games. no walkthroughs? no gaming industry. yes, they do spend hours making a game. bt setting cheat parameters is part of the making.

btw this extension is working:
itz already the 2nd of april. guess itz not updated yet.
No, GameFAQs really hasn't been shut down by some crazed group of video game developers insisting you spend hours plowing through their games without any help. It's an April Fool's Day joke. The real home page is still right here, or you can just wait 60 seconds for it to pop up all by itself.
it reverts back to the main index..hahah n look at it this way - "index_REAL"
one heck of an april fool's joke..
peeps from gamefaqs sure do have a sense of humor.. :lol:
haha nice one. i love Ultimate-Guitar's april's fool joke best. really really funny and caught many ppl off guard!
Erhh for the peeps in the US its still the 1st of April, so maybe that's why they haven't reverted it back yet.