Fingers getting all sored up.


New member
Hey people.

Im currently practising on a acoustic guitar.
My fingers kept getting sored and painful from pressing the chords.
Any advice on how to reduce the soreness from playing?
Is there something that i can wear on my fingers when pressing the chords?
Your fingertips getting sore? Or your finger's joints? Or both?

Soreness is something all guitarists go through. As you play more and more, your skin will harden and over time, playing razor-thin strings will be a very natural thing to you. So my advice is just persevere. :)
Its actually very normal. Everyone starts out with the pain in the behind.
You have to keep playing and practicing and get use to the pain. Your skin will start to get harden as you progress along. Thus able to let you endure longer playing time. Eventually the pain will be almost zero.

No pain no gain....
buy electric guitar.
because the string gauge isn't as thick.
so it's not as difficult to fret.
because it's amplified.
you don't have to strum hard to be heard.
Yea, Set up the action. It really will help a lot cos the lower the action the less strength u use to press the strings.

But anyway, its gd to go thru the process of havinf sore fingers cos its part of a guitarist journey. Enjoy it.

U can try to put the fingers into ice to sorta cool it down . Then dry it, after a while prac again. That's how i prac though if my fingers become too pain.

Cheers! Peace :)
Haha. Thanks for the advice. Hopefully the ice method helps. But how long do u guys practise/play the guitar each day?
hmmm while i dun use ice, i just do other stuff till the pain in the fingers go away. then play till the pain becomes unbearable. sometimes its my technique thats wrong then i'll have to examine my technique properly. but when i 1st started, i just heck care the pain and whack away lol
haha just learn a song that you're engrossed with and you'll be so occupied and eager to learn it then thats when your eagerness makes u lose track of time so yea let alone remembering bout the pain?
with that said it's still good to take breaks and massage your fingers/arms when it starts to get bad haha
haha, i think for regular players, u can practice 3-4 hours a day and its actually more than enough, unless ur trying to improve quickly to play a really difficult song, then maybe about 6-8 hours a day would make the cut.
haha, i think for regular players, u can practice 3-4 hours a day and its actually more than enough, unless ur trying to improve quickly to play a really difficult song, then maybe about 6-8 hours a day would make the cut.

WOW, that's really intense, I only play 1 hour, or 2 hours max.
If you're just starting up, you will build up callouses gradually as you play. It will be pain in the beginning, but eventually when the callouses form, the pain will be reduced (or gone).

If you feel that you're fingers getting soared pretty quickly, you may put too much pressure on your fretting hand. Try using just enough pressure to ring a note clearly.

Sometimes if you played for prolonged time, it soared up your fingers too. Take a rest for maybe a day or two. :-D
haha. when i got my guitar. the very first day, i kept on playing for like 7-8 hrs.
thats probably why the tip of my finger got very sore.
but i guess its getting better as the days passed.
im feeling lesser "burden" on my finger tips already.
I don't actually play straight like few hours a day, but most of the time I pick up my guitar when I feel the urge to play. Add all the sessions up it equal to about 3-4 hours per day. There is time when I want to conquer a certain song, I will sit down and just practice a few hours to get a song down.
Right now, I'm playing my acoustic mainly. Its on a stand within easy reach so after studying for a while (exams coming:(), can just strum or pick some stuff for awhile. Can't wait for the long hols, then I can start my 3 months of intense practice :twisted:.
I practice 4-8 hours a day. When I just started out guitar, about 7 months ago, I thought I was not a suitable guitar player because it hurt me so much that it bleed, and some part of the fingers felt very pain with very little pressure. My friend told me that it was normal, and gradually, since I have eczema, the skin will harden (and then peel off).

Anyway, my advice is to "season" your hand on a cold water before playing to prevent the skin from peeling off. Just based on my experience.
could use lighter gauge strings. if that is not going to make a significant improvement, down tune the guitar to maybe D#/D standard. If that still doesn't help, lower the guitar's action.

play on a regular basis. at least 30 minutes or similar daily. more progressive in terms of hardening your finger tips and practicing finger dexterity.