Finding new band !


New member
Hello Guys!

I'm josh here, and i'm looking to find some buddies to jam with. More about me, i play the acoustic guitar and bass guitar (among a host of other instruments), albeit at a very amateur level, so don't worry about being inexperienced. It's all about learning and sharing right? I'd rather find people who are willing to share their skills and learn from others, than find some stuck up individuals who are very talented, but unwilling to share their knowledge. We don't need to meet up regularly like every week kindof thing, just enough to keep the band going (we all have our personal commitments after all)

well, maybe our goal should be to record something in the future, but it all depends on timing and how able we are to practice together. For now, if you're looking to just sit back, relax and have fun with other musicians, do drop me a message and maybe we could meet up to talk more.

Ohyes! age group! I don't believe that age should be a factor in making music, but it'll probably help that we're all around the same age range. i'm 19 this year, so if you think you're comfortable, do drop me a message !

Influences: I'm more into Christian music, but i do listen to mainstream songs as well as stuff by youtube artists. No screamo or heavy metal please. :)

My number is 91836533. Drop me a message and we can talk more ! :)
Hello. I'm a Muslim. If you talking about songs from likes of POD and vertical horizon, i wouldn't mind join in the fun. Im a amature rhythmist, bassist or drummer. Pm me if the slot still avail.
i dont mind a christian band. i playing the acoustic guitar and rhythm elec guitar and simple lead i can. oso plays the drums. im 17. certain worship bands i listen to are hillsong, parachute band, c3. christian too ! PM me if interested