Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children


New member
Hey all! I don't know how many of you here remember yourself years back sitting in front of your Playstation playing Final Fantasy VII. The movie's finally out! My goodness, the cinematics has got to be the best ever. Any fans here?

Well, SquareEnix is planning a remake of the original FF7 game, with better CG of course! There's also a prequel game and prequel movie for FF7. Well, for those of you who don't know nuts about FF7, at the very least check out the link below and looks at the pictures, boy do they look real! And the animations' flawless...
i watched it it was great...i always love the game and the movie is so explosive and real...

theres another anime on FF7, its called Last Order..dunno you guys got watch it or not...its talking about the story even before the FF7 game if u wanna know the full story on check the anime out...
Yah the graphics and fight scenes were top notch, watched it twice already.
Anyone knows where to get Last Order without buying that ridiclously expensive limited edition set? :)
yeah~!! The movie really rox my sox man... hahaha watched it like 4 times over already and still counting... i really like the part where the whole gang fights the bahamut that kadaj summoned (oppsss, spoiler?)... the CG and action was very very nicely done as square always does it... just that, the storyline was abit lacking... thats all... all in all a good movie nonetheless...
wooohoo .... FF7 advent children ... loved every fight especially tifa's fight and the last fight with sephiroth

it's really worth the wait ... better than my expectation

i wonder when the game come out to fill up the loopholes in the story ... cant understand certain things even though i ve complete da previous FF7 many2 times

for last order go to ... they should have it .. last order is an anime not a cg .. but at least it explained certain things in FF7 Advent children
aw man! I LOVE THAT FREAKING MOVIE.. i was actually drooling over the hot hot characters.. great great graphic.. esp the fight scene.. I hope they'll make another one in a couple of years.
aries was the hot hot! :cry:
i rmb having her killed by sephiroth in the game i was cursing and swearing.
haha, yuffie's cute too.

but how can we leave out the omnislash on sephiroth by cloud.
wa that is, STYLO!
Man! Those who haven't watched better go watch. And don't bother waiting for the US version, nothing's better than the original Jap version with English subtitles.

Tifa and Yuffie were just so WOW! *drools*