FF 2: Rise Of The Silver Surfer

before the Silver Surfer became a good guy, he was bound to Galacticus to be his herald (aka he was Galacticus's little b*tch).

this will be a sweet, sweet movie. Silver Surfer is pretty awesome. i'd like to see a Silver Surfer vs Ghostrider matchup. I used to have a Spiderman comic where Spiderman fights Mysterio and Mysterio fakes him into thinking Galacticus has killed all of The Avengers, The X-Men, The Silver Surfer, and a bunch of other heroes and Spidey's like "Everyone is dead?! If he killed all of them, what can I do?" and all the dead bodies are strewn about and Galacticus says "You can do nothing...except DIE!"


silver surfer from what i know is pretty strong also right? i remembered galacticus passing him a portion of his powers.
Cosmic power or issit the power cosmic?

Can't remember lah. But the silent gliding and the melting into the board are pretty cool...

Me rikesss...
edo83 said:
Cosmic Powah! OT abit, i wished they would come out with a Flash (Barry Allen) or GL (Hal Jordan) :?

Me too... I kinda like the Flash TV series though. Quite fun but Mark Hamill's character was pretty cheesy though.