Fender Tim Armstrong Hellcat Acoustic Guitar - Should I sell?


New member
Hey all,

I've recently just bought a Fender Tim Armstrong Hellcat acoustic guitar about 2 months ago, and I've realized it isn't exactly what I was looking for. So I went guitar hunting and I saw an Ibanez acoustic guitar which satisfy more of my requirements. So now I am torn between whether should I stay put with my Fender or should I sell it and replace it with this other Ibanez acoustic guitar. Opinions please! Would really appreciate constructive comments! :)
Sell it!

A guitar well used in the hand is worth a lot more than it's collecting dust in the closet.

I say, sell the Hellcat - and buy something that you will use.
Ibanez are not famous for their acoustic. You are much better off with a Yamaha LL6. Awesome quality and workmanship assured.

Best of luck to you. Just my 2-cents worth. Happy considering.

Thanks for the tip TF! But i'm also want to consider the resale value of this guitar also cos it's some sort of a limited edition piece. Do you happen to know the market price for it? I hope to get a good price for it :D

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