fender strike back

It's plain stupid. How many designs you can have for a single guitar? This is totally stupid.

But it's them who come up with the designs, they can sue the ass off others. I'm wondering will G&L be hit... leo fender forms that company too. And PRS will also be hit again, most of their guitar has the shape of a strat.

When is all these suing business going to end. Why don't they just concentrate on making better guitars for the benefits of us guitarist?
Seriously, these companies need to create something new instead of riding on the waves of success made 40 years ago.

This patent on the shape is bullshit. Imagine jumbo being patent by gibson, dreadnought shape by Martin, Grand Auditorium by Taylor... Any upcoming acoustic guitars would probably be square or look like a nice maths kit projector.

Thats why I applaud guitar makers like Parker, Rainsong (graphite acoustic guitar) and Line 6 (think variax) for thinking differently. It's like a new breathe of life and an alternative to the new generation of guitarist.
brundisium said:

And i thought its rather f**kup of gibson to go after PRS. Now fender want to go after those who used the strat design.

A quote from the article,

.......It's like [trying to trademark] cars with four wheels, or all tennis rackets that are round," says Ronald Bienstock, a lawyer representing 18 guitar companies, big and small, that are opposing Fender's application.......

Sidetrack alittle. Hamer LP copy looks more LPish than a Singlecut. And probably does not come any cheaper than a SC. Why didnt Gib go after Hamer? It's just a sick game of people wanting more profits.
I was thinking about the Gibson copyright issue a few back.

I kept wondering that if the US laws was such, could an individual head to the patent's office and license the strat shape....

and then proceed to sue every manufacturer with strat shaped guitars.
all these suing stuff are bullshit.. it's like RCA fighting w Kazaa n now they put CD controllers to prevent us from copying CDs n sometimes we cannot even get our legal CDs to play..

these big money buggers have just got too much money that they employ a group of legal staff permanently just to look out for whoever to sue.. if Fender wanted to patent strat shape.. they might as well patent their tele as well.. n why now?
mrmisse said:
all these suing stuff are bullshit.. it's like RCA fighting w Kazaa n now they put CD controllers to prevent us from copying CDs n sometimes we cannot even get our legal CDs to play..

Hehe I accidentially found out a way where u still can copy this copy-controlled CDs onto ur computer :-)

In a way its kinda nice....cuz once I lended out my LTE CD and by the time I got my CD back, I realize alot of people have already burned a copy of my CD pissed the sh*t outta me...since than I dun lend out my CDs anymore

it's ok w me though.. me n my friends lend each other CDs till we no longer know whose who's.. but we still love to buy CDs n hold the originals in our hands..

regarding the fender issue.. who knows.. in the near future, there might be just 2 companies left.. haha.. no prize guessing the 2.. Suckers!!
Fender would do well to note the obiter in the Gibson-PRS case; that many of today's guitar designs are simply procreation as opposed to an entirely original creation.

i see this as a lame move. it's worth noting the 2 companies embarking on a legal pursuit with regards to their guitar designs are the 2 biggest names in the industry... :roll:
I think fender needs some revenue for their company. There's a rumour about fender on sale and the strat is the most copied model. So i guess fender by suing can earn lots of revenue and save their ass. Just my $0.02
I think its moreso about how the big boys feel that its a violation of their own intellectual property.

Me? I think that in all fairness, one can't keep raising the issue of intellectual property when the design is over 50 years old.

The fact remains that Strat/Gibson copies are cheaper than the real thing and do hurt their business to a certain extent which is why every trade show, you'd have the 2 big boy companies have their legal team walk the fair issuing copyright warnings to manufacturer's copying the original products too closely.

..... these tend to be the Chinese/Taiwanese companies in the fair ...

......... and previously it was moreso headstock designs that they were particular about.
If the company uses certain artists for endorsement, you can usually tell that they can only sell using ppl not that the guitar speaks for itself. Think yamaha and Fender and ibanez. I think GnL should fight back also since Leo Fender owned the company and servered all ties with CBS Fender. So GnL should hold all exlcusive rights since the maker Leo owned that company.

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