Fender Jazz Bass V pickguard


New member
Hey guys, i've been looking for fender jazz bass 5 stringed pickguard; i've searched DAVIS, GUITAR CONNECTION, MUSIC THEME but still to no avail :(

Can anyone give on some infos on where to get it???? I need it desperately!!!

thank you!
debit card also can be used bro...other alternative is to post in buy and sell thread or to buy blank piece of pickguard and ask guitar connection/workshop/maestro to cut it for you
reyrey: better not happen again. the next one comes out from your pay immediately

sinamex, if you, by chance, looking for a tortoise pickguard for a standard 5 string jbass, pm me. i MIGHT be able to help ya. Those things go for US$50 tho, exc. shipping
you have to be 17 to apply for a debit card .. i got mine when i was around that age ...

anyway ... i think you can try looking for BLANK MATERIAL and asking shops like Guitar Workshop or Davis to cut it out for you ...