
the one that feels and sounds good to u 8)

there's no such thing as best, just like "what's the best car"? some are ex, some are cheap, some are good, some like shit (eh rhymes). but was most impt is that u like it, not because it's of brand or wat, but it feels good :wink:
i dun really think theres a best guitar in this world...each guitar brands makes and produce different guitars to suits different guitarists needs and style...so its up to the individual to judge which is the best guitar for him to play...
ic...well personally i prefer ibanez and PRS guitars....although they are nt as versatile as fender...but it does cater my needs and style...
It also depends on the genre u play. Each brand u mention has a totally different sound. And each brand has its own numerous types of guitars, But to make it easier for u, below is my personal view of what genre is usually associated with the brands u mentioned. Hope this helps.

Fender -Blues, pop, funk, classic rock
Gibson - Blues (Semi-hollows), Classic Rock, Hard Rock, Metal
Jackson - Mainly metal
Ibanez - Modern Rock, Metal

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