Fender from this online website

if i aint mistaken it should be limited to US markets only. most englsh webshops are like tt

hmmz ... if u got nothing against jap fenders / basswoood bodies, i would recommend ishibashi

www.ishibashi.co.jp (japanese)


english here http://www.excite.co.jp/world/engli...guitar/fender-j/index.htm&wb_lp=JAEN&wb_dis=2

this is the page in japanese

30 K yen = about 550 (after shipping bout 700)

i might be getting one from them soon , want to combine our orders ?
i'm having difficulties browsing isibashi website due to japanese language.
Do you understand japanase?

I might want to purchase one fender MIJ japan but need someone to translate it :D

theres vpost service now by singapore post.. when u register.. and use tt service.. there will be a address in the US for u to ship to..den at the place there they will ship to u in singapore.. so tt means tt we can buy things frm us without haf the shop to do international shippin?? furthermore.. musiciansfrend haf so many freeshippin items.. the website is www.vpost.com.sg... can go check it out... wonder if anybody used this service and got anything there not..
its actually more expenseive if u ship via V post


the reason they are not ALLOWED out of US is because of exclusive reigional / coutnry distributor rights.

so technically , even if u bring in a US fender for personal use , u and the retailer tt sold u are at fault and are liable to be SUED
i was thinking about an ishibashi MO come september ... any1 interested ? i getting an aerodyne jazz bass AJ-58

if we combine together and ship to a single address , cheaper and can save $
Came across this site before. their prices are a lot cheaper than Fender Jap iitself! How can this be possible???
fender jap posts list price i think. and they don't sell direct other than custom models which u order and spec'd.