fender enquiries!


New member
hi all experts, i need to quick answers

i) apart from the price, what is the difference between fender standard and fender american standard
ii) and also is squier any good?

hope you guys can help, thankssssss!
i)Fender Standards are made in Mexico/Japan. These have 21 frets. American Standards are made in USA, 22 frets, better electronics and pickups and better QC overall, although some Jap models are better in my opinion. Most Fender strats are made of alder wood, though there are exceptions like mine which are made of poplar.

ii) Squier is just a company bought over by Fender and make almost identical copies that are made in china/indonesia/japan(discontinued)/korea. Sadly, most of them arent close to the real thing and other copies eg.yamaha,swing,ltd,etc offer better guitars for that price. However, there are people who have praised squiers. I find them shabby and too muddy soundwise, and just looks good. It is a good starter guitar though.