Female guitarist & vocalist looking for Bassist, Drummer and Lead Guitarist!


New member
Hi softies!

We're looking for 3 more people to complete our line-up! We have been playing acoustic for quite some time and looking to venture and form a band (finally).

Bands we're planning to cover: Versaemerge, Meg & Dia, Flyleaf... we have yet to come up with the final setlist.

I'm 23 and Joyce is 20. Anyone is welcome to join us as long as you don't make us look like pedophiles.

Drop me a PM if you're keen, I have got a link to a cover we did on YouTube.

Kaye & Joyce
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Faird: Yes! I got you on facebook recently.

Btw! We're in the midst of coming up with the setlist and practicing on our end to make sure we don't screw up.

Couple of songs that we're planning to do

VersaEmerge - The Authors
VersaEmerge - Fixed at Zero
Meg & Dia - Monsters
Flyleaf - Circle

Thanks for all the PMs so far. Keep em coming!
Yeah! Those shiny new strings tend to give me a hell load of buzz! I got them change before recording the video maybe that explains. Custom Acoustic :D
Might want to send those to Jarvis for FMI upgrades....the clanky sound is a bit bad for recording....FMI Saddle + Nut should increase the quality...and he will do the setup to remove the fretbuzz as well...

Are u using Elixir / Exp / Neither?

My guess is the latter :D
Hello and23_julius!

Yup! I sent it to Jarvis once I got the guitar. I didn't get the nuts changed though. no money ah.

I'm using Elixirs, love them! Planning to get something not so "treble-y"/bright for the next time I change my strings. But damn, I'm so lazy and I'll need to wait for my strings to get seasoned.
Darn...I guess wrongly...need to practice more string-recognition(hmm....sounds like some IT Geek stuff ~~I'm an IT Geek)

Well...might want to try Exp then, I like elixir better though for my guitar.
Hey! IT geeks are cool! I'm an IT geek too! <php? echo("Hello"); ?> yikes.

Sure! I'll grab some EXP for a change. Thanks!