feedback situation


New member
ok guys, i have a situation...

i have just equipped mmy epi lespaul standard with a seymour
duncan jb model on the bridge...

rig is-epi---digitech bad monkey---amt dt2 distation---behringer equalizer
---artec vintage chorus---ibanez pm7---line6 echopark---vox ad15vtxl.

wen i activate the amt at home there is hum wen volume is cranked..
i mean i can tolerate with that...
but wen i jam and i activate the amt the feed back is horrible...
like an eeeeeeeek sound...was playin thru a laney amp at the studio..
wen i tried on a big line 6 spider amp,there is hum but no feedback..
tink eeeeeek sound

so wat is the cause of this? could it be the pedal,amp,or the guitar..
should i go and rewire and change the pots?
help me out here guys...
Possibly wiring problem? Perhaps your new pickup wires (exposed ends) are 'touching' other electronics, resulting in a short or something :S

I remember my dad reminding me that when I changed my pickup - to make sure exposed wires dont touch things that its not supposed to
Ever thought of potting your pickups? best go to a guitar tech ask.. like beez.

i used to have the same problem as you. but my good friend helped me pot my pus in candle wax (budget totally non recommended self scraped wax. pus were dippped in a metal can used for fruit deserts). no eek feedback. it's been six years and now it's a bit worn off and some good controllable and usable feedback has arrived finally!:mrgreen:
how much will it cst to change pots?
will the pots solve the problem...?
wat does the pots do?
or maybe its due to my amt dt2 which is a high gain pedal?
some studios have worse feedback than others....could try standing away from your amp...
another problem i've experienced with high gain pedals is some of them are really noisy and it only shows when u play it in a studio setting...could be the pedal i think
changing pots? i was talking about pickup potting not changing pots. pickup potting is dipping your pickup in wax (best professionally for expensive pus) to remove air and thus feedback. hopefully there's no more squeeaks :)

*edit* or maybe its the amps there lo
Could be microphonic feedback from not-so-high quality pickups. My (old) Epi LP would squeal when the gain was increased. I changed the pickups to DiMarzios and the problem disappeared.
Have you tried identifying the root of the problem? Guitar -> Amp, test if the feedback is coming from the guitar, then test the rest of your signal chain one by one, then try stacking.
I think your pickup ground wire is not soldered probably ie dry joint. Open up the cover to check ;)
guitar -> amp = noise?
guitar2 -> amp = noise?

guitar -> every amp = noise?
guitar -> dist -> amp1 = noise?
guitar -> dist -> amp2 = noise?
guitar -> dist -> amp3 = noise?
guitar--amp=no noise
guitar to pedal(amt dt2)---amp(home)=hum but no shriek feedbak
(amp is grounded to 3 pin)

guitar---pedal---amp(studio)=shrieks the moment i kick in the distortion,
guitar to amp no noise?
then its ur set up. or alternatively you could crank up your volume with guitar-->amp
cos your gain tends to amplify the feedback/hum present.

maybe you could try shielding your guitar. or like what the rest said, waxpot your pickups.