Fast Fun Jam! Getting to know new musicians!


New member
Hey guys,

I'm an experienced Bassplayer/Vox/Acoustic guitarist in order of proficiency. I just want to have a jam to get to know people and have some funsies. ;) Anyone up for this? :) I prolly want to do top 40s stuffs, classics or other usual jam-ish stuff like your classic hard rock etc.

I'm ill so I can't sing, but I'm happy to play bass/acoustic guitar.

But looking for fun people for a jam. ;) Getting contacts for further projects can't be bad can it? ;)


No one interested yet? Haha. Maybe I should put a bit more of my credentials. Had played in lots of bands in Singapore and Malaysia. Currently in a working band in Perth. Have been working in two other working bands in Perth in the recent 2 years. A very pleasant guy to chat with, work with, play with. Very friendly and eager to have fun and meet people. ;)

Don't care about skill levels, how good you are or what kinda songs, happy to learn stuffs.

And I might have a female vocalist who wants to jam a bit. Why not check it out? ;)

Eagerly waiting peeps!
