Fans of Antarctica is looking for a singer+ guitarist!


New member
Hey everyone!

So we are a relatively new band, trying to get our name out. We are looking for a singer + guitarist who could fit the band nicely. We currently have a guitarist (myself), a bassist and a drummer.

Musically, we strive for an alternative sound with some post-rock influences. We have a few demos, some of which are meant to be instrumentals while some others would need singing, thus this post.

Check us out at and message us. If not, do tell your friends about us and help spread the word! Thank you!
rhythm guitarist vox

hey i heard your originals they're pretty awesome! in line with what I'd like to do. I play some guitar and do some vocals. gigged a couple of times before nothing big and wrote a handful of originals (all incomplete though). would love to try jamming together or adding some vocals to your songs! PM me if you're still looking:)