Hi all softies
Hope this is the right place to post this. Just want to promote this place at Cuppage Plaza for people that needs a place to host their seminars, concerts, performances etc etc. We are in the process or revamping our website and you could temp access www.nexusauditorium.com. Copy and paste this address onto ur address taskbar. The charges are very resonable. Feel free to contact me should you have any enquires. Details located in the website. Thanks
Hope this is the right place to post this. Just want to promote this place at Cuppage Plaza for people that needs a place to host their seminars, concerts, performances etc etc. We are in the process or revamping our website and you could temp access www.nexusauditorium.com. Copy and paste this address onto ur address taskbar. The charges are very resonable. Feel free to contact me should you have any enquires. Details located in the website. Thanks