Etc :: (How to) Singapore Idle 123456789


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Don't stop till you Hady enough? Never mind the Taufiks? Then join Etc as they get out of the traction and into the action, after recent brushes with the Grim Sisters of Illness and Accident ...

WHEN: Thursday 6 August 2009
TIME: 9pm prompt - till late....
WHAT: two sets of original Etc favourites and new ones
WHERE: Prince Of Wales , 101 Dunlop Street, Little India, Singapore (between Sim Lim and Serangoon Rd)
WHO: Etc : Ben Harrison (guitar & songs) + Harvey Chamberlain (drums & drums)

the two-man power-duo dust themselves down to shack off the shackles that recently kept them off the road: Harvey Etc celebrates surviving lurgee, man-flu & jetlag; while Ben Etc is over the worst of the bloodloss, bruising & abrasions of the horrific crash-landing that ended his recent unscheduled and involuntary trip through space.

They're probably as dazed & confused as they usually are, but that's not to stop Etc shake off the maladies and bring back the melodies as they unveil their Summer Collection of old favourites and new would-be classics for all your Singapore Idle psychopop & bop needs.

And that's your notification of something to do if you have a few idle pre-National Day moments to spare on Thursday Aug 6th. Aug 6? An augmented sixth? Anyone know what one looks like? Does it sound good?

Etc's may play till 12:34:56 on 7/8/09 by the way. That's the only time this is going to happen - that your clock / calendar says 123456789 like that.
If you like to Facebook you can take part in the this summer's cooler-than-Twitter craze at
Be part of the 'I ALWAYS RSVP "MAYBE ATTENDING"' gang.
It really suits Etc's 'never say "never"' stance because you never know do you?
They know you're probably busy, and that's why Etc loves you even more when they *DO* see you. It's been a while hasn't it?).