Ernie Ball Bass

You can find them at sinamex and davis guitars. As basses, they're pretty sweet, punchy tone, comfortable neck (IMO), and some of the natural and translucent finishes look simply stunning. The construction is rock solid too, hell, the bass would prob outlive you. But then again, these basses aren't for everyone, some ppl love them and others hate them. Goes with every bass out there, but if you're interested in them, give them a try. =)
should have options to split the humbucker as standard offering; maybe Fender had enough of single coils then... 8)
Yea, the coil splitters make the bass more versatile and kinda debunks the myth that stingrays are but one tone monsters. And actually, ernie ball buying over musicman wasn't that bad a move, after all, sterling ball was on the team that designed and created musicman's most famous bass, the quintissential stingray. =)
IMO, if thats true, then at least its good that the company that bought over musicman at least had something to do with the basses. Helps to smoothen the process, keep the original ideas alive, and add more modern innovations that help to better what was an already fantastic original product.