Epiphones ArchTops

Ok i've ask in my other thread abt the Epiphone Dot or Epiphone AlleyKat.
I think i did not asked the questions properly and im going to ask again in this thread. sorry my english no good.

Im planning to get an Mid ranged (ibanez and epiphone) ArchTop guitar (Hollow Body)by the end of this year.and i have a few in mind

All Guitars are first hand priced.

1.Epiphone Dot - approx. 599
2.Epiphone AlleyKat - approx. 856
3.Epiphone Casino - approx 1.02k
4.Ibanez AF105 - approx 1.12k

what do you really want? semi hollow, full hollow body?
I think the Ibanez ones play better than the Epiphone ones. First thing to do is swap out the slinky strings they use and put on the heaviest flat wounds you can find. Your ears will thank you.
its up to you man , no point asking around . Whichever sounds the best to you , of feels the best .