Epiphone dealers in Singapore


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Was wondering other than swee lee and standard value, are there any other places in singapore where i can get an epiphone? Are the guitars from standard value good btw? more specifically im looking at getting either an Epiphone Les Paul 100 or LP Standard Plus Top.

Thanks for the help! =D
The LP Standard Plus costs quite a bit more than the LP 100 if i'm not mistaken. Why would you want to look for places other than SV? I find their prices competitive enough, and they actually bother to setup and take care of their guitars.
Many other guitar shops do have epiphone guitars actually. Blackwood, Guitar connection & Music Theme to name a few. but I would buy from SV because like what loldude333 has highlighted, they setup their guitars.. not saying that other shops don't do at all though.
just want to check the prices around before buying. and standard value doesnt seem to carry the LP 100. is it possible to request them to ship it in?
alrights shall email them about it thanks! have any of you personally played or own a les paul 100 or standard plus top? how do they compare?
Well, if you can, why don't you just call them? You get your questions answered much quickly. I emailed them and the email didn't come back to me. I think it would be better if you call them.
well actually im just starting out on the electric guitar, so currently looking around for a first guitar to get the ball rolling. have always been attracted to the les pal design and sound. so have narrowed the choices down to the GS200 Craftsman, Epi LP Special 2 and LP 100 =) LP Standard Plus Top might be nice too
hmmm i am a total beginner at electric guitar, how do you actually test a guitar when you knw nothing much abt playing yet? =S
For sound, trust your ears. Its best to do a side-by-side comparison if you're really bad at remembering sounds. Look out for the clarity of the pickups on both cleans and distortions, the thickness of the tone and the responsiveness of the guitar to different picks and picking dynamics. These are the sound-related things i look out for. Aesthetically, of course ensure that there are no dings or scratches anywhere, this one is dependent on how fussy you are about aesthethics. Check the action, the intonation (use a tuner if need be, the store should be able to provide one), bridge (for tuning stability,if its a floating trem) and the tuning pegs (ensure that they keep in tune and turn without fuss). These are just a general guideline, exactly what to look out for depends on what you want most in your dream guitar.
you lost me there with all the terms like action and intonations =X anyway thanks for the guideline! i shall go find a thread to read up about intonations and actions and all.
Action=how high the strings are from the fretboard. Generally a low action is desired as it will be much easier to press the strings down onto the frets.

Intonation=Whether the notes at every fret are in the correct tuning. Example: If the high E string is in tune when played open, but not in tune when played at the 12th fret, the intonation of the guitar is off. Most people describe it as the guitar being in tune with itself. A very important thing to fix if the intonation is off.
Sigh, if only Swee Lee wasn't the largest carrier of Epiphones. I would love to pick up a Firebird Studio, but Swee Lee rips us off like mad! And the Firebird isn't popular enough to be cloned by other companies at a budget price =[
LP Standard Plus is probably the black horse-it is def much higher range than the rest.
So for beginners, you might wanna try the Rally LPs, Craftsman LPs or KGarage LPs.
hmmm yea im going for LP guitars mostly. Looking at the craftsman GS200 initially before i came across the Les Paul 100 by epiphone.
Music Theme's prices are very competitive. If I'm not wrong the Les Paul 100 is a bolt on design which is not recommended for a Les Paul kinda guitar considering that a lot of people claim that a true Les Paul does not have a bolt on design.

Do note that they use different machine heads compared to the rest. how stable? I don't know honestly.
Not yet. Mike at SV recommended the Rally GL-300 when i asked about the epi LP 100. Btw does anyone knw if the Craftsman GS200 has a set neck or bolt on neck?

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