EMU 1820


New member
How is the performance of EMU 1820?Anybody has got experience ?
all reviews looks nice.
Pls reply
i got mine 1820M bundled with the emul x, so far so good. latency is super low..currently at 7ms..but i didnt try to push it further so not sure how low it can go....my pc config at 2.4ghz 1gig ram.

din really have time to meddle with it yet..busy days..but the learning curve is steeper than my previous cards.

Theres a problem though..when my sequencer(sonar) is up running at 44.1 khz projs and i try to load another of different rate..it will crash, have to exit sonar change the sample rates for card AND sonar before i can load the 96khz proj again.

Problem is EMU driver actually prompts me if i want to change rates for the proj..but it never succeeds..so maybe its sonar..i dont know....until i find can find time to figure it out :roll:
Thanks for the reply
Now I have EMU 0404.I have plan to buy emu 1820.Waiting for more replies.My budget allows me to buy emu 1820 only.Is there any big difference between the master version and this version?
the ada converters are better....not sure abt the preamps maybe different..
check their site perhaps ...might give u more info
1212m or someting like tat shares the same converters as the 1820...but the no: of i/o fewer than the 1820
I'm currently using Audigy2 Platinum and I'm also thinking of getting the 1820M, in fact, I might as well get the EMU Emulator X Studio that bundles with the 1820M.

I've been producing music in my home studio for years, but when it comes to software sampler, I'm totally at a loss. I love composing music but hate all the technical stuffs on altering patches, etc. That's why I've been relying on hardware synths to record my music with minimal work on patch designs. Straightfoward line-in and record on Cool Edit does the job for me. So to move on to a more sophisticated EMU system would be a big leap and I may not know how to use the tool to its potential.

Further discussion and help would be appreciated.
pianodancer said:
I'm currently using Audigy2 Platinum and I'm also thinking of getting the 1820M, in fact, I might as well get the EMU Emulator X Studio that bundles with the 1820M.

1st - if what you have been doing is comfortable (and you don't seem ready to make a move to another platform at this stage), then keep on doing what's best for yourself.

A new platform will entail downtime for installation (and maybe trouble shooting), setting up the parameters for the soundcard and the program, learning curve etc, all of which will be unproductive in the musical sense.

2nd - if you are not ready to edit parameters & sample, there is no need to blow more than $1K on a soundcard + some software.

You could
a) use a cheap softsampler eg V-Sampler and see if it is suitable for your needs.

b) use a preset version of the EMULATOR X known as PROTEUS X that works with the EMU 4040 card (no sampling but has the great EMU library).

3rd - if you decide to take the plunge, please remember to uninstall the Audigy drivers 1st. They clash with the EMU cards' drivers.

Just what I need: great advice. Thanks!

Having said that, I guess it's time for me to move on to play with samples and parameters. So any recommendation for a newbie? Which system shall I go for - Gigastudio or EMU or whatever? Also, I may need some 'professional' guidance, like courses or tutorials. Any suggestions would be appreciated!