EMG pickups decision, please help!!!!


New member
Hi everybody, i really need help with this, im planning to change my bass soapbars for emgs, my reason to change is because the sound with my stock pups is too jazzy, and im loooking for a sound with more punch claer highs and good mids, so i decided to get the 35P4 and the 35DC from emg, are those pups a good matching pair for my bass and the sound i wanna get?. i play mainly metal and rock, and if anyone knows TooL, i need my sound like it

any suggestion is welcomed, another brand or whatever
i will apreciatte your help
neckthrough bolt on hybrid..


nvr seen one before.care to post some pics?? 8O
ahhaah i know its a weird system,ill try to post a link to a picture shortly,but let me know what do you think about the pickups configuration..

I think EMGs are a pretty cool selection .. if you want the fatter sound get the ones with dual coils i think .. the output is pretty high compared to other pickups ...
to me,i like emg's sound,but that's the only sound that you can get,cant alter it much,so i prefer other pickups actually
My Warmoth used to have twin 40DCs in it. They tended to be extremely sculpted, with a great deal of top-end and low-mid response. Definitely a tone that will get you noticed, but a tad too aggro, with the bridge pickup tending to be rather thin-sounding.

If you want a versatile EMG setup, I would recommend either their 35P+35J for a more 'classic' tone or a 35DC+35CS (CS is at the back) for a more contemporary, hi-fi tone. The DC in front adds tons of Marcus-Miller style slap-tone, if you're into that kind of sound.

Another solution would be to get 2 35TWs and install coil-split switches for the most tonal variation. Also, when installing your preamp try to specify 18volt power supply, especially with the DC/CS/TW pickups. You'll appreciate the extended headroom and the preamp won't compress your sound when you add heaps of bass onboard, assuming you play that kind of music.

Hope this helps, and tell us how you go.
thanks about my bass comments i think is one of the best bass i ever had, and wow Possession thanks a lot for your information, not even the EMG support gave such a good explanation, i am looking for a sound like justin chancellor from tool, his sound is more to the middles, punchy bass and mid highs, if you know tool you know what im talking about, so if you can give me a more specific advife of what pickups should i get on my bass.

i really apreciatte anyone's help, ill be spending good money on the electronics for my bass and i really want to get the sound i want
Easy. Neck, EMG35DC. Bridge, EMG35CS and one of the BT or BQ systems, depending on your requirement. A bit of compression and a 2mm pick :)
don't forget his (Chancellor) GK rig.. haha, i read the article.. but there's only so much a magazine can tell you..