Elixir Strings for Bass


HI Hazzard,

Do Let me know once you find a 5 stringer elixirs

the ernie ball is too bright for me.

There is no packet of 5 strings for Elixir.

Step 1
Buy the 4 strings packet

*Step 2
Buy the 5th string
*Step 3
Buy the 6th string

step 2 and 3 for 5 and 6 string users. This is how elixir bass string works.
for the price of $62, Why not try DR extra-Life color coated ones. 5 string pax.

Currently I'm using DR Hi-beam on my bass, simply wanted to try Elixir instead just for alternative cause sometime waiting for my DR Strings at Davis is taking too much time...
the shops here dont carry them. you've got to order through chern

prices etc are all listed all the site