Electric Guitar Noob


New member
can anyone teach me how to play guitar ... somethin' like send me post some vids and tutorials lol....actually wanting to play drums but too complicated so maybe try guitars :D
Frankly... i find guitars more complicated than drums .... but well it's subjective, one man's wine is another man's poison. I play guitar because i love the instrument!!

At least for drums, you dun think about Melody and Harmony ... only Rudiments and tempo. Of course that doesn't undermine the capabilities of fellow drummers ... I love drummers ... they are my best friend!!
its far more complicated than drums.

it really depends on what instrument you click (most suited) with the most. personally i wanted to pick up bass, but i chose guitar cause its alot easier and i could get the hang of playing it.

but thats just me
guitarman78 said:
Frankly... i find guitars more complicated than drums .... but well it's subjective, one man's wine is another man's poison. I play guitar because i love the instrument!!

i always thought the guitar is one of the hardest instruments to master, even harder than piano. I would say piano has a very steep learning curve, and the reason why the piano seems way difficult is because of such big piano giants/composers like Ludwig van Beethoven, J S Bach, etc and of course, their music.

i find the guitar is relatively easy to learn. (chords, melody and stuff) To capture the guitar as a vocalistic instrument with all its nuances (dynamics, technique, etc) is extremely difficult on the other hand. Also, remembering that guitar is often a 6 string instrument, that makes chording and voicing an even more challenging process than the piano, which is linear.

just some thought there.
on the other hand, i think woodwind instruments are hard, even though i dont play them. u have to control ur breathing to ensure the tone, but that's one thing. the fingering is easier :lol:

piano, definitely the hardest to learn. eh wait, how about violin?

oops, off topic a bit, anyway, good luck in ur learning adventure! guitars are great!
personally, find the bass more fun than guitars but i'd still choose guitars over basses as my main instrument...ther's juz tt passion tt i hav for playing the guitar tt i dont hav as much 4 playing the bass...
but i'd say bass is the most fun instrument i've ever 'ventured into' :P ...