Effective jamming


Active member
Well I start this thread so you all can share your views about effective jamming.

I've been in quite a few bands b4 and some are good some are bad. Some bands when you go in and jam with them and u come out there's no improvement at all and some there's a bit of improvement and some really great improvement. So what makes all the bands different. These are some ways a band can be good.

A good band leader
This is something like the conductor of an orchestra. Someone who has good musicianship. Not only he/she is proficient in the instrument but also knows about other instruments like the drums , bass and guitar and keyboard and vocal. He/she must know what makes a good drummer a good bassist etc... On top of that he must have good hearing in terms of intonation, tempo and dynamics. So he can point out to the other members about their mistakes. like this part is too soft he will tell the bassist or guitarist or any musician. But of course the other band members also can suggest but ultimately they must agree on a certain tempo, dynamics etc and make sure they are aware of it. Because if you do things subconciously u may or may not get it right, so u must be aware of what u hear and what u play.

Good management
Sometimes band have gigs up coming and time is short so you really need to make the best out of the jamming. Some bands I was in they just play over and over again and after that when things don't go right they say not enough practice. But the thing is after each time playing through it's always the same even if they practice 1000 times there's no diff. What can be done i suppose is ok for eg. At a certain point let's say guitarist timing is out, so what the band leader can do is say, ok the guitarist just play with the drummer alone and so by doing that the guitarist can hear the drummer better but if the guitarist still can't get the timing right what can be done is create some queue notes or queue beats from the drums or other instrument so when the guitarist hear that note or beat he comes in with his riff. Or if someone is playing a wrong note the band leader should immediately stop the band and ask that person to play alone just that part to see if he is able to play if not slow down let that person practice a while 1st b4 u all play together. If there's a certain part someone can't get it right maybe just repeat that part over and over again till he gets it right, starting with a slower tempo would be good then later speed up. (playing the whole song over again is wasting time because he will make the same mistake when he reaches that part) If time permits u all can record the jamming and later hear it to see if anything went wrong.

Good communication
Band members should understand each other. A good practice would be to look at each other especially b4 a new section starts so u all can come in together. Also the band leader can make certain hand signals or certain queue notes or beats that the other memebers can take note. Or if u all have really long solos and need to pass to another like u know jazz stuff or blues. Maybe u can smile at the next member to signal that u are passing on the solo to him I think that would be good.

Here's my take :)

Do your home work. Dun wanna waste other ppl's time :)
Be on time. Come on" Jamming's time running means $$ running
Remember to have plenty of water for each of the band members. Hydration is very impt.
Take notes. Note down the parts u're unsure of.
Tune your instrument/s and run through a quick warm-up for about 15 min before your actual practice.
6) Have your metronome. U dun wan to be playing out of beat.
Record it! With a tape recorder so u can review it later. And tape does not lie. U will know where u go wrong.
8) Speak up. If u know or dun feel right or comfortable, speak up.
Take breaks every 30 min so that you can discus the songs and to get fresh air. Your brain and your body need breaks so you don't fatigue even your strongest player.
Have fun! Its music! So pls enjoy and like wat u are doing. :)

Cheers! Peace :)
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One of the bands I've been a part of is where everyone hates each other but in the studios, everything gels cos

everyone does their bit.
JOSH83 's 7) : it's the Zoom H2 age now man haha, tape old sch sia, I used to use a Sanyo Cassette tape recorder

I personally think the effective way would be to record DIY jamming, then listen out the flaws from there and work on the final song structure/tempo. and then everyone remembers the song by heart.
Well for me I find that there are a few things which make jamming effective:

1) everyone should know their parts and gave practiced.
To me coming to the studio means coordinating the whole band and not wasting time and money waiting for that individual to get his/her parts right

while making everyone wait, I find that it makes a difference whether you end up doing 3 songs because someone doesn't practice or 10 songs because everyone did their part.

2) prepare a songlist

there is nothing worse than finishing the songs and having half an hour left with nothing to do and even if you end up doing a blues jam even after 10 mins it will be damn boring so having a good number of songs to fill up that one or two hours prevents you from wasting money and heh having to jam songs like I will survive and when I come around because everyone knows those tunes.

3) make friends with the studio boss so that he let's you go in ten mins earlier for free to setup your gear! (Personal favourite)
Haha.. Yea, Tape Recorder is damn old sch.. But i used to have that cos its cheap. Hehe :)
Yea, the Zoom H2 digital recorder is gd stuff :) Haven't really tried it but its got gd reviews on being able to capture all the sounds u play in the studio.
Maybe i'll go get it and try it out. :)

Van Halen: Beer? Not a bad idea, i use to drink a bit b4 playing, it helps u to relax and play better, but not all the time. Sometimes when i need to concentrate it gets difficult cos of the alcohol. But alcohol after jamming is a must! Bonding time for ur band mates :)

Peace :)
Well for me I find that there are a few things which make jamming effective:

1) everyone should know their parts and gave practiced.
To me coming to the studio means coordinating the whole band and not wasting time and money waiting for that individual to get his/her parts right

while making everyone wait, I find that it makes a difference whether you end up doing 3 songs because someone doesn't practice or 10 songs because everyone did their part.

2) prepare a songlist

there is nothing worse than finishing the songs and having half an hour left with nothing to do and even if you end up doing a blues jam even after 10 mins it will be damn boring so having a good number of songs to fill up that one or two hours prevents you from wasting money and heh having to jam songs like I will survive and when I come around because everyone knows those tunes.

3) make friends with the studio boss so that he let's you go in ten mins earlier for free to setup your gear! (Personal favourite)

some band members are slow they can't get the song done by the jamming day, that's where the other members have to help him. Another way is to kick him out but, if you don't want to do that then you have to help him, see what is his problem and try to fix it.
Weak bandmembers

I do agree likui that sometimes there's a need to probably sort out tough parts, well it depends right? I think if it's going to take up considerable time then we should move on to the next song first and give the guy some more time till the next jam to sort it out. I don't think there's really time to expect him to have that portion sorted out within the time
ya I'm speaking from experience because I was in the position that I cannot make it and bandmembers either help me or kick me out. And I was also in the position that a bandmate cannot make it and I helped that person.

Here's my take :)

Do your home work. Dun wanna waste other ppl's time :)
Be on time. Come on" Jamming's time running means $$ running
Remember to have plenty of water for each of the band members. Hydration is very impt.
Take notes. Note down the parts u're unsure of.
Tune your instrument/s and run through a quick warm-up for about 15 min before your actual practice.
6) Have your metronome. U dun wan to be playing out of beat.
Record it! With a tape recorder so u can review it later. And tape does not lie. U will know where u go wrong.
8) Speak up. If u know or dun feel right or comfortable, speak up.
Take breaks every 30 min so that you can discus the songs and to get fresh air. Your brain and your body need breaks so you don't fatigue even your strongest player.
Have fun! Its music! So pls enjoy and like wat u are doing. :)

Cheers! Peace :)
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I think another point is also to encourage band members, lift their morale. If lets say drummer timing always rush, don't just say your timing is out and try to work on that and just help that person out, u know like also say something like hey u can do it, I've confidence in you, say something to encourage and when the drummer nails it say well done and also maybe compliment on some good points on the person, like saying, u know although u rush but i like your dynamics, the way you do the fill ins. Something like that would make the person feel happier, and for your sake the person will practice on the weak point, i think. If lets say u just keep pointing out the person's mistakes, well u are not wrong to do that but too much of that would lower the person's morale and it's unhealthy for that person later that person become so sad go into depression etc etc, u never know.