Effect pedal questions


New member
Let's say i have an Overdrive and Distortion pedal in my effects.
Guitar -> Overdrive -> High gain Distortion -> Amp

I have my Overdrive on, and i want to activate my distortion. I would step on the distortion pedal right?

But do i step my overdrive too to deactivated the overdrive?

Or actually both options are possible?
if both are single effects, both will work independently of each other. meaning, overdrive for overdrive, distortion for distortion.
Like hatecrew said, they're independent of each other. To change from one pedal to another, you have to turn one off and then turn on the other.
Thanks for the help guys.

But i am still a bit confused here.
So it's ok to leave both on in my case as it's overdrive + dist?(you guys mentioned they're independent)

1)Overdrive(activated) -> Step dist = overdrive + dist
2)Overdrive(activated) -> Step overdrive (to off)-> Step Dist = Dist
3)Overdrive(activated) -> Step Dist -> Step overdrive (to off) = Dist

Which is the correct option? Should be 1 right? Sorry if it sounds dumb.
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Kind of confusing but I think all three are correct. Just remember that if you step on a pedal to switch it on, you have to step on it again to switch it off. It won't switch off by itself unless its faulty.

You can run them both together. Many guitarists do that, actually. You can get some really nice, thick, heavy tones when you do that, or even get a nice solo tone.
which pedals are you using? I have a tip for you. (works great if they're both BOSS pedals) You just place them near to each other. When your overdrive is on, You side step the 2 pedals together. This turns off the overdrive and activates the dist with just one action. And you can do the same again if you want your overdrive. I hope you know what i mean.

If you want to use them independantly . cos sometimes stacking overdrive with dist leads to too saturated tone. But then again its personal preference. It just works if u wanna use the pedals seperately
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