easy rock songs???


New member
hi guys...can i know what are some easy rock songs??? i mean just normal rock and not metal or anything like that...i just bought my first electric guitar and i do not know what to play on it. kinda sucks...thanks
hi guys...can i know what are some easy rock songs??? i mean just normal rock and not metal or anything like that...i just bought my first electric guitar and i do not know what to play on it. kinda sucks...thanks

i started out many years ago with nirvana songs... all simple chords, not much solos..
just gotta catch the timing thats all. pretty simple in my opinion.
or u can try some bon jovi too, those are pretty alright for starters.
green day - when i come around
green day - 21 guns
blink 182 - all the small things

try out those punk-rock bands. those should be really easy.
One by Creed
Stay with You by Goo Goo Dolls
Use somebody by Kings of Leon

All of the songs are of alternative rock genre.
Knockin on heavens door just freaking learn by ear. No tabs required. V simple.

Riff for smoke on the water

Messages - Velvet Revolver

The Last Fight - Velvet Revolver.
Try Kryptonite, by Three Doors Down.

Three chords, Bm-A-G,

just alternate such that verse is soft / pluck chords one string at a time,

chorus go to power chords and chugga chugga ;)
HIM - The Funeral of Hearts (simple rythms and simple solo)
Nickelback - Photograph (nice exercise for barre chords)
Greenday - Boulevard of Broken Dream (Simple rythms)