

New member
Hi may i know what are the better brands for mp3 player earphone? sad to say i have a budget of about $50-$60...any good models to intro?
Do a search on soft, Ultimate Ears Metro 200. This guy brought in some and is letting them go at 69bucks each.
I think its worth the bucks.
yup mine is from philips and the sound quality is indeed cool, just thought trying out other brands, otherwise will fall back to philip most prob..Thanks man!
Phillips is good. Bought a cheap pair of headphones at a Courts sale and although the plastic feels weak and low-grade, the sound quality was pretty darn good. Much better than the Sony earphones I had previously.
i think ultimately depends on what kinda sound you are looking for.

personally audio technica is lacking a bit on the bass, and sony usually have too much bass, lacking in clarity. (talking about those <$100 series)
Soundmagic PL-30. Bang for buck. Only available through one online shop. Google for reviews. $35. Saw an old review a SGean ordered in for around $60 and said at THAT price, it's bang for buck.
actually just head down to head-fi and ask.

and you need to tell us what kinda sound you are going for and what mp3 you are using.

its like choosing guitar, must knwo what kinda genre u wanna play, what sound you going for etc. instead of just saying "im need recommendations for a guitar".

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