Drummer Needed to Complete Band


New member
Hi World...

My name's Clyde, and i'm lookin for a drummer to complete a band..we've jammed together a few times b4 with different drummers, and we play diverse contemporary radio friendly covers.....no metal / punk...

we need a drummer who can play with a little bit a funk, and who is open to different styles of mainstream popular music

Most importantly, must be able to commit to regular weekly jam sessions..right now, the rest of the band has agreed to Sat Morns, but if you really cant make it then, we could try working something else out

A little about ourselves...we're a singer, a guitarist and a bassist, ages early to late 20s..right now, our aim is to jam recreationally, but we have an eye on doing gigs eventually someday..

Interested applicants, please email me at donclyde1981@gmail.com ...do not msg me here...i do not check..

also, do not email me asking "what songs you jam?"..tell me a little about urself, and the styles of music ure into

I look forward to your replies!

