Drummer/Bassist available for cover bands doing gigs


New member
Hello people,
I play the drums and bass, with about 5 years on drums and 3 on bass.
The genres I am familiar with would be like alter-rock, pop-rock, indie-rock,
Top40s except for metal,thrash,jazz (I suck at them:p but I'll try to work on it!)

As mentioned, gigging would mean hopefully at least once a month or more.
I've done 2 gigs so far, both covers in the past 2 months and I hope
to able to do more in the future :)

As I am somewhat new to the scene, I hope to learn from everyone!

Can be contacted here, or phone @ 9o1oo715

Thanks for reading!
hey bro my band is looking for a basist.. if youre interested msg me at 82008707.. it would be cool if you could join
I am a guitarist.
You may join me, either as a drummer or a bassist, whichever you are comfortable with.
I play top 40's & some rock & rolls.
Contact me, yeah?