Drummer / bas /guitar / synth

polar kid

New member
Hello Everyone!
We are two guys who are trying to form a band here in Singapore. It's me, Niccolo, 25, from Italy and Gerard, 27 from the UK.
I am playing the guitar (also a little bit of stuff with my pc, like synth sounds with ableton software) and singing, and he is playing the guitar or bass and doing second voices.
We are basically searching for another guitarist or bass player, a drummer, and a synth/violin/whatever cool stuff player :)!
We want to do something that sounds like the arcade fire, or broken social scene, or metric, kings of leon style.
We both come from an alternative rock / punk background, from ramones to smashing pumpkins, but we'd like to do also something that's "more quiet".
So just write to us if you're interested, and if you know the bands we're talking about!
My email is niccolo.tosetto@gmail.com !
See you!!