drum showmanship

i think that's an add on.
cos i'd say what's more important is knowing how to recover from a mistake or something that has gone wrong. for instance your stick breaking or slipping from yr hands so u need to change sticks while still keeping time.

also feeling the music, getting into the moment, y'know? moving your body/limbs fluidly, watching your band mates, maybe exchanging glances and smiles...shows you're relaxed and having a good time.
Woah that's a big question. and one i love to discuss about!

replying to just stick tricks:
Stick tricks could definitely contribute to showman ship but its not a must,
-I could'nt imagine a orchestra drummer doing stick tricks-
I personally feel they should only be used when the drummer is very sure about what he is playing to the extent that at that moment when there's a gap where one of his hands is free from hitting anything he could do a twirl or smth and get back into the song in time.
And it should'nt be done too many times and repetitively. If the drummer keeps repeating the same spin all the time it becomes kinda boring i guess.
So if done correctly stick tricks gives me the impression that the drummer is good and confident at what he is playing :-D
Oh and use em in appropriate songs bah! as in dont go spinning madly in a slow relaxing jazz piece:mrgreen:

there's so so so much more to drummer show-manship,
One thing-> showman-ship should'nt be overdone as to covering the other musicians causing the audience's attention to be drawn to him all the time, this makes the others feel like SHIT really.

I always think us drummers should ask the guitarists/bassists this kinda questions. Showmmanship is for the audience for the other musicians.
Your playing might make yourself feel good but your audience/fellow musicians might not be entertained at all!
One nice thing to do is to record your own performance, its quite shocking to view your own drumming and find it to be very different from what you felt it is when you were on stage! Or you could practice in front of a mirror too!

just some of my thoughts!
wanna hear more
i always laugh when i make a mistake and i smile most of the time...
my friends say i'm crazy =.=

but heck, thats just me and wife (aka t3h drumset) having fun. ;DD
pacifusion said:
there's so so so much more to drummer show-manship,
One thing-> showman-ship should'nt be overdone as to covering the other musicians causing the audience's attention to be drawn to him all the time, this makes the others feel like SHIT really.

agreed ...there was this bassist from this local j-rock band (not gonna name it out of respect of pride and privacy) who tend to move around alot...i've spoken to the guitarist before..he says he doesn't care if people hate his bassist or moves around too much ...

its more like, if you exaggerate your playing too much, it kinda puts you in this haugty and proud spot, thinking you're oh-so-great ..
but once again, everyone has his/her own playing preferences and it all boils down to one thing, music.

i hope i don't get any haters for my style =x
For me I just give the smiles and headbang like mad when I feel the song. Too me Showman ship is really about the whole band and audience. Like how they respond to ur music.. And when the whole band is jumping around like mad it makes the audience go mad :D And you feel "siok" when ur whole band is jumping around . Hehe.

But if ur like tomas lang doing a drum clinic or something like a one man show , then its about individual showman ship .

And this topic revolves around the tempo of the song haha.

So just have fun !!! Thats showman ship already hahah!
I think for me showmanship is just about moving your body to the groove and not play like a peice of block with only ur hands flying around which makes audience bored of looking at you play. It is about giving the audiences 'Visual pleasures', not only 'Audio pleasures', Be it shaking body or stick tricks. lol
Stick tricks are visually nice to watch, but it has to be applied appropriately. Most importantly, like what Thomas Lang emphasized at his clinic, stick tricks have to be IN TIME with your groove.

IMHO, showmanship is when the musician enjoys playing the music. Let it flow naturally and groove along to the music. The audience can feel it if you do. A musician can move around, jump about or heck, even do backflips lol. As long as the playing does not suffer because of the action-pack movements, all is good. It adds on to the visual aspect of the performance. Of course, it shouldn't be just one member that moves around, as the fella will look kinda silly doing it alone. All the members in the band have to compliment one another and feed from one another's energy on stage. I mean, who likes to watch a band that just stays at the same spot and play with a glum face right?
Talking about Showmanship - I really don't know - but about Show-Offship I know ! ...Kekekeke - was told off by my BandLeader in my 1st Gig with him - 'You're a Fxxkxxg Show-Off" recently.

Actually, I dunno why - I was enjoying playing my Music, but when pretty girls look at me drumming that day,- wah you should see the way I flare lah (dunno why I was doing that - maybe I'm human) ...though I'm in and never out of the Music and playing well my leader told me, but then again...I was told not to be doing that - luckily I was excuse cause it's the 1st time I ever gig ... This gig let me understand myself better - at least I was never afraid playing in front of Public with my Band...I feel proud & good really and most of all I enjoy myself very much...but one thing I learn - Must control myself lah ...control kekeke

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