Does Gibson Les paul Bass have 3 way switch?

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I really want to buy it. On ebay or ishibashi their gibson les paul bass does not have 3 way switch? Is it real or fake ...but at gibson website there is a 3 way switch on it... Or is it reissues model?

Anyone kw hope u guy can give some feedback?
yeah .. correct what ..

it's the same with the les paul guitar ..

3 way switch ..

one for rhythm .. one for both pickups and the last one for lead ...
i donnoe if its true, but i heard rumours going on tht swee lee would replace the normal pickups on the guitar they have to a more budget and cheap one, and they would replace other parts too. anyone heard of it b4? isit even true? :?
Never heard before. But I don't think they would do that ba. Save a little bit of money but if someone found out, then the business would be affected greatly, imagine the loss would be damm great.
hey, seriously man. i think im one of the few les paul bassists in sg.
trust me on this, the epi is as good as the gibson.
ive tried the gibson in hongkong before, the only diff is the switch, and the big GIBSON which one probably can boast about. i own an epi and its as good.
really...some gibson is it does not come wit 3 way switch? i hope sg cab bring more bass guitar in...because i m the one who lloking in it......... 8O
There are a few kinds of Les Paul basses.

The specials during the mid ninties boasted of active bartolinis while some others have no switches.

Ask them for year of make or model make then cross check online, tons of info.

And I am afraid a Gibson is a Gibson, Epis come close only because of the same pickup configuration, but do a indepth test of years and big rigs, you will find that the wood , make and finish work much better on the Gibsons.

I played both Gib and Epi les Pauls in different setups.... The Epi only sounds as good at a glance. Also, because the Gibsons are handcrafted, no two of the same model are truly the same and one has to hunt out to pick that perfect one, but having said that, its nice to find little eccentricities and differences...each is trul one of a kind barring the tonal characteristics of the model.

Just to add, if one truly wants a good les paul that's not a gibson or near that price... Greco had very very good copies.... can hunt for them one. Good copy plus Jap craftsman QC, can't go wrong.

My two cents
I Jus Buy It From ishibashi A gibson les paul Stand Bass Black. I hope It will Sound nice i guess it take 1 week to reach singapore. If any have a les paul bass in singapore pls care to share abt the feel. I feel that sg bassist not many have a gibson les paul bass n it is hard to get it in sg also. Most have fender or tokia or other brand.

Cheer Bassist Will fight for the right to get their bass outsider Sg Not Sg Not Many Bass guitar less that 25 model I guess...

let Share your feel here Man

post some pics man dude ...

reason why swee lee doesn't sell alot of stuff is due to the small market here in singapore, it's not that they can't bring them in but it's not feasible profit-wise to bring such products in .. =)