dip in audio in SAE


New member
i jus entrol the course n does anyone have done it b4 n how its it like?

Hi! I enrolled in Dip of AE too, April intake. :)

I've taken the course before for a bit though, and starting out they introduce you to various sound theories, and general knowledge of using mixers and programs like protools. If I remember correctly, the first assignment involves some beginner editing of audio in protools. I also hear that they'll give you assignments like studio recording and such later on in the course.

I hope this helps.
One advice - do your own homework. A lot of it. It's less than 10 months of real education so you should be studying/practising both the technical and practical aspects at least 8 hours everyday from start to finish.

Does not guarantee you anything academically, although a career as a sound or post-production engineer is not difficult to get into from the hours of practical work you _may_ clock in.