
'good' is subjective. Dimarzio & bass aren't a hallowed pairing. the seasoned here will tell you that here are others to look forward to. i'm not too bass-inclined, but i like what i hear from Bass Lines & Bartolini 8)
Dimarzio is a very 70s/80s thing ma...their most prominent bass endorsee was Billy Sheehan, and their most popular guitar pickup was the Super Distortion. That was the direction of the company then at any rate and seems to me it still is.

The younger set (me included) are marketed to more by the Basslines/EMG artistes as well as the player-sponsored advertising of the more yuppyiesh (sp?) companies like Nordie, Fralin, LP etc.

Just an observation and opinion of course. Nothing that can be backed up with factual data.
Exactly!! More expensive pickups sound better, I swear. I can even hear a $50 increase in price. Do you know that rarer pickups sound better too?

I used to have Lane Poor pickups in my SX and they killed any other bass with pickups made by companies which weren't on the verge of going bust.

Good one la Farid...represent. Btw it's Jonathan we met on monday at Crossroads. Sorry we couldn't stick around that late, we had work next day. I gather the gig went well I mean with you and the Boogie With Stu confirm no problems right.
Dimarzio bass pickups aren't well known, the tone samples are very geared towards Billy Sheehan's sorta style, very edgy sometimes i feel.

furthermore they aren't cheap, most of us would rather top up for BASSLINES or double up for EMGs and others. =)
I'd agree that not all their pickups are shiners...in fact some are downright overtly-aggressive. I won't mention which ones 'suck' because it's entirely subjective but having said that....

I've tried the Split-P for its wiring versatility but was never happy with the sheer amount of output it gives out. Difficult to work with.

HOWEVER.....the DM Ultra Jazz is an excellent, excellent pickup. I've loaded them in 2 separate Jazzes and they've always come out good. Articulate, moderate output, doesn't muddy up when you turn down the tone or sound strident or bloated when you 'Jaco' on it.

But hey I've never tried Nordies....I have tried Aeros and Fralins in the rental Laklands that I've played and still like the DMs more, even though the Skylines are just so nice to play.
Hey kreed,

Noticed that you are concerned about quality gear out there. That's good! I think as bass players/musicians we should be concerned about the quality of the gear that we use but let not that be an obsession. Like what subversion said, good is a very subjective word. Many of us have tonal preferences and gear preference. I think Fender makes good guitars but another person may disagree and say that Ibanez makes better stuff compared to Fender and it's not a wrong/right thingy because we all have valid reasons.

I think that's why such companies are still in business because people have gear preferences and we go for them and they sound good really. So i think in your musical pursuit .. concentrate on expressing yourself through your instrument and dive into the wonderful world of music.

An instrument doesn't make good music, it's the player that does regardless of what gear he uses. I know of a killer bassist who survived on a 200 dollar Aria bass and on live he sounds really really good. So yeap, "good" is subjective ...
erm....anybody ever tried combining dimarzio and SD together? any side effect?like hum or buzzing sound from the pickups?
exin said:
Hey kreed,

Noticed that you are concerned about quality gear out there. That's good! I think as bass players/musicians we should be concerned about the quality of the gear that we use but let not that be an obsession. Like what subversion said, good is a very subjective word. Many of us have tonal preferences and gear preference. I think Fender makes good guitars but another person may disagree and say that Ibanez makes better stuff compared to Fender and it's not a wrong/right thingy because we all have valid reasons.

I think that's why such companies are still in business because people have gear preferences and we go for them and they sound good really. So i think in your musical pursuit .. concentrate on expressing yourself through your instrument and dive into the wonderful world of music.

An instrument doesn't make good music, it's the player that does regardless of what gear he uses. I know of a killer bassist who survived on a 200 dollar Aria bass and on live he sounds really really good. So yeap, "good" is subjective ...

haha..yea i guess i ask alot..but i really dun noe much abt gear,so i'm trying to get myself to know more so that i can make the right decisions if i ever buy something!
reyrey said:
erm....anybody ever tried combining dimarzio and SD together? any side effect?like hum or buzzing sound from the pickups?
currently have a sd quarter pound p and a dm model j on my active ibby sr700. no problems currently except for a grounding issue on the p. shouldn't be related to the mixing of brands.

the model j's a bit too hot and biting for me. looking to change to either dm ultrajazz or nordies (the fat stack or double coil) to get a thicker sounding traditional jazz tone.

That's right .. it's good to find out more .. i think the best place to start is not only in the forums but also manufacturer's websites .. i'd learn alot of stuff from there too .. you can start off by check outing Fender's websites and their resources .. and other common brands in Singapore like Yamaha, Ibanez etc. ...
I agree to an extent. The Jazz pickups are ok. The Precision ones have traditionally been wound for a heavy mid-range emphasis...a bit too aggro, and it pushes a lot of preamps too hard...everything gets a bit squishy.

I'm more a fan of the 'vintage output' (for lack of a better term) kind of pickup.