Hey kreed,
Noticed that you are concerned about quality gear out there. That's good! I think as bass players/musicians we should be concerned about the quality of the gear that we use but let not that be an obsession. Like what subversion said, good is a very subjective word. Many of us have tonal preferences and gear preference. I think Fender makes good guitars but another person may disagree and say that Ibanez makes better stuff compared to Fender and it's not a wrong/right thingy because we all have valid reasons.
I think that's why such companies are still in business because people have gear preferences and we go for them and they sound good really. So i think in your musical pursuit .. concentrate on expressing yourself through your instrument and dive into the wonderful world of music.
An instrument doesn't make good music, it's the player that does regardless of what gear he uses. I know of a killer bassist who survived on a 200 dollar Aria bass and on live he sounds really really good. So yeap, "good" is subjective ...