Dimarzio Model J DP123 and a tort pickguard.


New member
hey all, thinking of a major upgrade to my bass this August, so have been doing a lil' research.

I'm intending to get Dimarzio Model J DP123 and a tort pickguard. Anywhere in Singapore that sells these?

Also, I'll need a major electronics overhaul. I'm intending to change the pots to 500k ones, add a switch that toggles my pups between series and parallel wiring, and move the jack to the bottom of the bass.

Are there any quality and reliable workshop that can do these for me?
It'll be fantastic if they can do a paint job as well, but that's secondary.

Thanks in advance!
you can get the pickguard at guitar connection or davis. they can do the wiring and painting for you as well. or you could get the pots and switches from davis and let beez of g77 do the soldering. i don't recommend you letting davis do the soldering. just my personal experience.

you can get the dimarzios either from swee lee or that shop from paradiz centre which is next to guitar gallery. if the model ur talking about is the split p the quote i got was 130.