Different tunings / String gauges.


New member
Newbie needing some advice on different tunings and strings gauges on my guitar! I know nothing about these things!!

Do I have to re-setup my guitar with a FIXED bridge when I change to a different tuning? (like drop c?)

Do I also have to do a re-setup for my guitar with a FIXED bridge when I change to strings with different gauges?

I was planning to buy a guitar with a fixed bridge because I thought they were meant for someone who changes tuning very often. I play songs with different tunings. If that's the case, I would rather go for a floyd rose bridge. :???:

Please give me some detailed information and advice!! :confused:
the fixed bridge consideration for constant tuning changes is wise. however, if you stick to the manufacturer's default gauge, chances are, there will be a lack in tension when you de-tune. which guitar do you have in mind?
baritone guitars are longer-scaled instruments which facilitate down-tuning (to compensate string tension when one down-tunes, without necessitating the use of very thick strings which requite much set-up for normal/ regular scaled guitars).

since you have a thing for LTDs, do consider this:

I don't think I want a baritone model....:???: like weird..
But can I use thicker strings to make up for the tension loss when I tune to drop c? Maybe 0.11?