Because it seems that you are really incapable of using Google, I shall take pity on you and help you.
Was that sooooo hard? All you need to do is type the thread title in proper english into the text box.
If there was any real difference to be heard, chances are it would be due to one being a veneer rather a proper thick slab of wood.
I think the differences are mostly cosmetic with minimal tonal differences.
Why would want to sit back on your bum and wait for someone to spoonfeed you the answer when you can do it yourself, immediately? Seriously lar, learn to use google unless you are really that dumb that you are unable to use the damn search engine on your own.
And to those who think I am being a prick, there is a difference between a person who really needs the help and a person who cannot be bother help himself and wants to be spoonfed, something the TS has proven himself to be.
he he... academics always emphasize the importance of discovery learning; it's about the ownership of one's query, if one makes effort to research & discover, it's a better part of learning
i'm no vulgar guy at all, but in school my lecturer gets really pissed with students asking questions that are googlable. always asks us to check out hahah its the best site in the world