Diff between open-back and closed-back amps

You understand string resonance on different kind of wood and guitar body. More simple, an acoustic guitar, is very easy to distinguish the different sound from the different type of body, size and design.

It's the same here, different speakers with different cabinet will resonate a different 'voice' from the amp.

Closed back have better bass response, but could risk sounding muddy. All depend on the final design anyway.

Open back have a more baffle effect, sounding more transparent, but lower efficiency in the low frequency.

Just a summary from what I remembered, a lot of theory and calculation can be involved, which I can't understand any. As long as it sound good, that's all I care.
I asking coz I put my open-back amp up against a wall, and it sounds significantly better..warmer i think.. really like it now! Think I'm really becoming a tone freak.....thanks for sharing.


the only reason why i'm supplementing my open-back Peavey XXL combo with a closed back Marshall is because i hear a tonal difference & it's what i like hearing.

yes, i do hear more low-end performance with a closed back unit, the reason why Marshall's mini stack sounds more impressive than the open-back MG15.
By putting your amp back against the wall, you are improving the ambience sound actually. Even more hard to explain, as your back is not 100% closed.

The wall acts as a kick back to your speaker, an echo plane and also will resonant somewhat by itself. Many more factors.

Only one thing. Dont ask too much or your brain will swell till it explode from the info. As long as it sounds nice, and it suits you, just do it your own way. Different people will like different things.

Somethings are best left un-asked. Understand what I mean... hint.... hint... :wink: