Cyani†e Looking For drummer.


New member
Heh our loudest band competition sucked so bad we changed almost everything. From post hardcore which failed miserably because we were just unprepared for composition and used our draft given, now to Symphonic Melo Death metal.Now we need a drummer for our current drummer cant handle the load and his style is too different from our genre.

Our criterias are very strict and simple.

Able to commit every tuesdays 6.30 pm and sunday 2.00 pm. We're too lazy to rearrange the current schedule cause everyone's currently lovelovelovelovelovelovelove happy with it. The days are fixed but timing may differ. So remain on standby

We need someone who has a bloody good sense of rythm and at the moment we just play our riffs, he can identify the time signature/tempo and also the mood or feel of the song and compose a drumline for it and memorise the drumlines.

Most importantly, We need a drummer who will Commit FULLY for the band. To willingly put this band before every any other insignificant commitments apart from urgent ones such as IMPROTANT family matters/occasion.In Four or Five Years Time, we are all migrating to Canada. and yes, I am not lovelovelovelovelovelovelove joking. This is how far we're willing to commit. If you're readin this,with intentions of finding a band to jam for fun with and practice as a side band.. Sorry, Everyone of us are Musicians. We don't need rockstars and neither do we need a sessionist.

We are now at the stage of compositions and after our 4th composition we are gonna release a demo. We have recording interfaces and mics and although I cant say it it as good as professional studio quality microphones and recording interface, we can still manage to record a decent recording with it. to top allthat, we've got two sound engineers in the band.

So to summarise we're a VERY serious stable band who have schedules, goals and resources. We are looking for a drummer who can play progressive style of music. you can contact me by adding me in msn, or just pm me.

Here's one of our songs.
Is there really no drummer here who dares to follow their passion and drems of leaving this island and going abroad, migrating with the band to play?