custom pickgruad


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custom pickguard

any1 know of any1 who can make a good custom pickguard? i wanna make a black pearloid pickguard for my fender jazz bass special. unfortunately the location of the P pup on this babe is slightly different from the std P, so i cant just fit a std P's pickguard :(
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you could get the standard one and maybe file it down to fit the p pups?

just a suggestion there.
not sure if it will work. :/
not sure what u mean by filing down.. the pup position is pretty different compared to that of a std p... and mine has 3 knobs as well, not 2.. which adds more to the prob =\

red = std pup hole location
black = actual pup location
that's a pretty big shift from the original one.
erm. i really think you need a custom one.
cause if you get a standard one and file it down to fit the new ones, the pickguard will have extra hole.
you can try pm-ing gr3y on soft.

he made a mirror pickguard for me last time but hes stopped doing custom stuff alr

you can try your luck man
gr3y doesn't do custom pickguards anymore. tried PMing on a custom job some time back. You might want to try one of the US based sites for a custom pickguard (Jeannie's Pickguards, Pickguardian, etc) I'm getting mine done by Pickguardian.
have thought of that b4... but how will i get the exact dimensions to these US sites? the only way i see it possible for them to be able to make one for me is:

1. i send my bass body over to them
2. i draw out an exact diagram of the pickguard design

how did u do it bro? and how much did it cost?
You don't want to be sending your bass body to them coz the shipping would be expensive. My suggestion is to do a tracing of the pickguard that you want and send them the tracing.

My case is unique because the pickguard I have was broken so I sent the whole pickguard for them to do a replica. Cost was US$45 + US$12 for shipping. Just sent them the pickguard recently and am still waiting for my guard to be finished and shipped so I can't comment on the quality of their work.
hmmm... alright... lemme know the quality of their work when u get ur pickguard back alright? =]
checked it out.. seems he mainly does paintjobs.. emailed him already tho.. thx for the info =]
yup i saw that, tats y i emailed him ;) just that his site offers mostly paintjob services, so i was a lil doubtful if his pickguard listing was just a paintjob, or actually making a custom pickguard...
true true. guess you just have to wait for his reply. actually with the US dollar so low now it'd probably cost the about the same (if not less) to get it done by Pickguardian or the like..