CSI fans here


New member
Hi, this has nothing to do with music, but hey, since its 'say anything under the sun' so why not? Any fans of CSI down here? and whats your favourite CSI(character and country, theme song) and why?
mines miami too, my favourite chracter is Herasiu, cause hes all cool looking and has that cool cop accent... favourite theme song would be barbara-O-neily...
the original, vegas.. the lab guy, josh i tink.. a newspaper once stated, if u started watching which ever series 1st tt'll be ur fav..
love vegas and grissom...rocks! he quotes poetry and eccentric in his love for bugs...heh. plus juz love his straight facial expressions all the time. catching up now with dvds...did not catch season 1 la..
Prefer Law & Order ~
Especially Law & Order : SUV

Just did a module on Forensic Psychology ...~
Law & Order seems more .....*ahem* real ... ~

CSI is nice too no doubt ...
hahhh was once hooked onto csi but now the only thing interesting abt it are the trailers. the plots are quite predictable now after watching too much of csi. but nonetheless. still good.
i loved the first and second season of csi. reali got addicted. hardly missed an episode. bt then they start to dissapoint me wif their new shows. if u compare wif the 1st season, the new ones reali suck. well thats wat i tink anyway. like hush-d said, the plots are quite predictable. u can tell whos the murderer by the way they act.. and the previous seasons were "smarter". the twist and all that. nt much of it nw. im moving on to better shows now. like lost.
Original one is the best. I've watched NY but it was just boring. No kick I guess.

Anyone can tell me where I can get the DVDs for season 1 and 2?
CSI Miami is also good.

the current season includes gists of internal conflicts which can, at times, affect viewers' focus.
i prefer las vegas. grissom is like the senior who seems to know everything. watched CSI ALL the time.
New york, not so attractive, but Miami and Vegas, they have totally new and twisted plots, of course a few episodes you cant tell whos the killer... you can buy the DVDs in reputable CD shops, and dont buy pirated, else the directors gonna go broke... and no more CSI...