Crucifixion's New Songs Up On Myspace!


New member
Dear friends,

We've put up 4 songs from our upcoming album, Desecration Of A Wretched Kind on our myspace( 2 from the demo that have been remixed and 2 completely new songs). The new 9-track album consists of 5 tracks off our demo which has been remixed and improved, and 4 new songs, and it will be out by late jan 08'. Do leave comments and hope you guys enjoy em'! THRASH MY FRIENDS!

Till Death We Thrash,
Aye Bro, Sherwin here lah.

Was wondering where you guys went off to for so long. Good to see that you guys are still at it. =D Playing any shows soon?
thanks for the comments! hey sherwin, nah man we aint got no shows and there arent many to begin with actually. but hey, we're gonna keep writing stuff with or without the shows man. take care bro!

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