Could you review the Gibson ES-339


New member
its a smaller version of the 335 , supposedly less hum and feedback and feels like a solid body guitar
haha i only have 1 , and another loaned out to me . i need a permanent guitar , a full gibson , not a studio but a full finished one haha
i don't buy things without consideration . The good points have to out weigh the bad if any
guitars are very subjective to personal taste. A review will not truly reflect the affinity you have with a guitar, if any. A guitar may have a bad review but that is still subjective and it remains to see if the reviewer is actually objective(such as a shred friendly or chunky neck affair) before giving the guitar positive or negative appraisal.

With all that being said, its better if you yourself know what do you want in a guitar. No point trying the crap out of it if you do not know what do you want. If it feels good and sounds good, by all means.
A review would help a buyer note out the good and bad points of a particular guitar , especially if he's considering to replace his main axe . Yes it is subjective but then again it doesn't hurt to know all the if's and buts of a product in order to maximise the fullest potential of a guitar .
Well i bought it last week, sold one of PRS to get it. Loving the tone, light as a feather and gives you the 335 tone in spades. Thats a very short and sweet review haha

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