iverson763 said:Yup... apparently face oil is the best thing to use around! doesn't coagulate (unless you accidentally used mucus... heh) and it's free!
And if your face not oily enough, can try taking ermm.. birth control pills. Gaurantee you can even sell it to other people in a bottle after that
Vaiyen said:should your usename be 'ER XIN' instead??!
pooo said:That's disgusting man! Dead skin cells in the oil all rubbed down into the strings. Ewww.
amnesiac said:gross..that reminds me, always wipe a guitar's strings and fretboard before using it, esp if it belongs to someone else. u dun want his dead skin rubbing off onto your fingertips. imagine if u forget to wash your hands before eating after that.. eww 8O