compact pedals or multi effects pedal


New member
does the quality of the effects suffer when it is a multi effect the quality of the effects better if it is an individual pedal???

so should i buy a multi effects pedal or several indivudual pedals and make a pedal board???
Multi-Efx if you don't know what efx you want. Than start buying single pedals only when you know what you want. Multi-efx if you want to keep things simple and dun want to worry about an ever expanding pedalboard.
Some people hate digital sounds though.
Colarndo said:
Multi-Efx if you don't know what efx you want. Than start buying single pedals only when you know what you want. Multi-efx if you want to keep things simple and dun want to worry about an ever expanding pedalboard.
Some people hate digital sounds though.

agreed ... i used to have a simple multi-effects box .. it was actually more of an amp modeller .. i let go of it because it sounded just .. flat .. yeah .. no depth .. so in the end i decided to switch to single effects after a while of just going clean .. =)
jackyboyboy said:
single better... try BOSS.. fantastic.....


subjective actually ..

there are some great digital multi-effects out there that does the job really well .. =)
The learning curve may be longer, but once you have re adjusted the presets to usable sounds, it's pretty much alright. In live situations, you can only use so few settings.